Endnote cite while you write microsoft word 2013
Endnote cite while you write microsoft word 2013

endnote cite while you write microsoft word 2013

If there is not a Connections folder in it, create it:.This will give the name and location of your Endnote folder. References > Preferences > Folder Locations > Style Folder.(Probably at C:\Program Files\Endnote or Documents\Endnote\Styles) Check in Endnote where your Endnote styles folder sits.Endnote will now look in this folder for the correct style. Download the connection file (link below) and save it into this Stylesfolder.Create another folder called Styles inside it.In Windows Explorer (or My Computer) create a folder called Endnote under Libraries/Documents (your personal space on the USC network).Get these styles operational using these instructions These include the version of Harvard style used at USC, and a version of Vancouver using superscripted numbers which is also preferred by most USC students and lecturers. Some styles do not come with the Endnote installation

Endnote cite while you write microsoft word 2013